Tulsa Sports Coed Kickball Rules
1. Play consists on 10 players per side. The breakdown is 7 men and 3 women in the field at one time. Teams may play a legal game with 8 players (5 men/3 women). Teams may not play with more than 7 men at one time and no less than 3 women to be considered a legal game. (THERE ARE NO POSITION REQUIREMENTS of any players, i.e. there need not be 2 females in outfield and 2 in the infield).
2. Games will be played on a regulation softball diamond. The pitcher and fielders must stay behind the pitchers mound until the ball is kicked. The catcher or kicker is not allowed to cross home plate until the ball is contacted. The kicker may not kick the ball beyond home plate. If the kicker does contact the ball in front of home plate it will be considered a foul.
3. All batters will start with a one ball, one strike count. The “strike zone” extends to 1 foot on either side of home plate, and 1 foot high. Pitches must be rolled towards home plate. Pitches may not be bounced, only rolled towards the kicker! Pitches that bounce more than one foot above the ground will be considered an illegal pitch, and thus deemed a ball. All kicks must be made by foot and must occur at or behind home plate. Bunting is allowed.
4. If a male is walked, and a female follows him in the batting order, the female has the choice to take a walk or bat. (Exception: ***if the bases are loaded (at the time a male is at-bat) and a male is walked and female follows in the order, that female must bat.) Umps will enforce this rule upon request; however, they will not be responsible for notifying the batter in each walk situation.
5. A batter with two strikes is allowed one foul ball, two fouls with two strikes, the batter is out.
6. All games are 55 minutes (warm up time included). The ump will enforce this rule and will make the call at the top of the final inning. Note: Due to differing circumstances in each and every game, some games will finish short on the 55 minutes in length, while others might run over the 55 minute mark. Please respect your ump’s call in this matter. He/she must keep all games on time in fairness to teams playing later hours and due to facility permit restrictions.
7. All teams must have at least 3 females/ males and the line up must be boy girl. If a team only has 3 females/ males in the line up the team should rotate their female/ male players back in to the line up. Line ups must be given to the Ump prior to the start of your game.
8. All players in the field must be listed in the batting order. There are no designated hitters allowed. Any attempt at doing so must be brought to the attention of the umpire prior to game time and can only be deemed allowable by the opposing captain.
9. Game mercy rule: 10 runs up after five complete innings. ( must be agreed upon by losing team)
10. NEW RULE ***Inning run limit rule: There will be a 7 run limit per inning through innings 1-4. (Exception: unlimited runs may be scored if one of the innings 1-4 is declared the final inning of the game.) Unlimited runs may be scored in innings 5, 6, and 7 always.
11. No leadoffs or stealing, runners can leave the base once the ball crosses the plane of the plate or is hit by the batter. If a runner leaves early, the ball is dead and the runner is declared out. If this is the 3rd out of the inning the batter will be first up in the next inning.
12. Players are considered out by one of the following means: (1) Striking out, (2) A fly ball caught by the defense, (3) A throw out at one of the lead bases, (4) The runner being tagged by the ball, (5) Infield fly rule (6) A foul out, or (7) A runner being struck by a thrown ball below the head while attempting to advance or return to a base.
13. Games start on time!!! Teams must be prepared to play.
Forfeit rule: 10 minutes after game time. If one team has less than the minimum number of players (8 total players -3 must be females) at ten past the designated start time, it is up to the staff and opposing team as to what is allowable - this decision will ultimately be made by the staff.
14. Base runner to defensive player contact will be closely watched by the ump. Any excessive contact or collision will result in an “out” and/or ejection. This includes contact with the catcher. Sliding is allowed. Any sliding into a base to break up a double play, or any intentional (in the eyes of the monitor) interference with the defensive player, the runner and the batter will be called out.
15. Hitting a runner with a thrown ball above shoulder level is not allowed. Any runner hit above the shoulders is considered safe and will be awarded an additional base. Players may be hit anywhere below the shoulders with a thrown ball and will be considered out. If the runner intentionally uses their head to block the ball, in the eyes of the official, will be deemed out.
Any equipment in question should be brought to the attention of the umpire. The umpire will make all final decisions with regard to equipment discrepancies.
17. A foul kick above the batter's head may be caught for an out.
18. All thrown balls are deemed out of play when:
· The ball is thrown over the fence
· The ball is thrown beyond the fence
· The ball is thrown beyond the imaginary line extending from the end of the backstop (if there is no fence).
· This imaginary line applies to overthrows and caught fly foul balls.
· If the ball is overthrown and hits the fence behind the 1st or 3rd base lines, this is NOT considered out of play and the runner may advance, BUT at his/her own risk.
· On overthrows out of play, the runner is granted the base he/she is going to (at the point of the throw) plus one more. Note: in cases where a base runner runs past first base, he/she must make a clearly aggressive turn towards second base to be granted 2nd and 3rd in overthrow situations.
19. On an infield fly (any ball kicked within the infield with significant arc and deemed an “easy catch”) with less than 2 outs and runners on 1st and 2nd or 1st, 2nd and 3rd, the batter is automatically out and runners can advance, BUT at their own risk.
20. All outfielders must remain behind the chalked and/or coned “outfield line” (if applicable - consult with your ump before your game to determine if this rule is enforced at your particular league) when a female is up to bat. If the “line” is not clearly marked it us up to the umpire’s discretion if an outfielder is too close to the infield. There cannot be more than 7 players on the infield at any one time. Once contact has been made the outfielders may cross the line. If an outfielder crosses the line before contact has been made the female may be awarded first base.
21. In certain facilities a home run rule may apply. (consult with your ump and/or Tulsa Sports and Events staff person to determine if a rule is in effect at your particular league.)
During the regular season games are to be played within time allotted (warm up time is included).
Umps must be paid prior to the start of you scheduled game.
An umpire will be provided by the Tulsa Sports and Events to supervise the game. It will be the umpire’s responsibility to coordinate and run the games, which include the following tasks:
• Starting games on time.
• Calling outs, making final calls on any disputed balls or strikes.
• Settling all disputes or disputed calls.
It is understood that umps will assist in the tracking of the score (i.e. Announcing it between innings) and assist in any discrepancies with regards to the coed line-up ratios. However, it is the responsibility of both teams to maintain their respective line-ups and scores each inning.
If your team forfeits a game during the season, the following rules apply:
First Offense: Loss of game and warning issued.
Second Offense: Loss of game and staff reserves the right to remove team from playoffs.
Third Offense: Removal from the league.
If you know in advance that your team is going to forfeit a game, we encourage you to call our office so as to help us schedule your opponent a game. This will still be considered a forfeit, but is a courtesy to your opponent.
Teams have until ten minutes past the designated start time to field a full squad (minimum numbers of players required to play according to the rules). Refer to rules regarding the guy/girl batting ratio. Anything less then the minimum must be approved by the staff and opposing team.
The updated standings will be posted weekly, displaying each teams rank within its skill level. Rank is based on winning percentage.
Top 4 eligible teams make the playoffs (teams that have not abused any policies or forfeits are eligible).
Check with Tulsa Sports and Events league coordinator to see if this applies to your league.
Playoffs are single elimination.
Seeding: Teams are seeded according to winning percentage and strength of schedule.
Teams may be dropped from their regular season level based on the above criteria. Teams may be moved to a higher division during the playoffs only if permission is granted.
Skill levels may be divided into separate divisions based upon size of level.
Teams may play more than one game per day.
Any questions regarding rules, policies, or eligibility must be addressed before the start of the game.
Tulsa Sports and Events reserves the right to schedule playoff games on days other than your regularly scheduled league night.
In order to participate in the league, each participant must sign the team waiver. Waivers are provided and must be completed and handed in no later than the first night of play. Players not present the first week of play will still be required to sign a waiver with our staff before participating.
A formal protest may be filed before a game if an opposing player’s eligibility is in question. The player in question will be required to provide his/her player information (name, address, phone #, signature) in writing to a Tulsa Sports and Events staff member prior to the start of the game. This qualifies as an official protest. The game will then be played in its entirety as scheduled. Teams will be notified of all rulings on the identified eligibility discrepancy by the following business day – decisions will not be made on site. If the protest is proven to be legitimate, it will result in the forfeiture of the game in question. Games subsequent to the protested game may be rescheduled.
The above procedure will also apply for any other “logged” protests. All rulings by Tulsa Sports and Events staff are considered final.
In the event a situation arises that is not covered in writing by Tulsa Sports and Events, the decision of the umpire and league supervisor will be considered final.
The purpose of Tulsa Sports and Events is to have fun. We hope that all participants keep that in mind when becoming involved. Although the games may become intense, you still can be competitive while maintaining good sportsmanship. With this said, any behavior deemed unacceptable by staff may result in suspension and/or ejection from a game or the league.
To coordinate and run the league, our refs and/or staff will be available at all times to help the league run as smoothly as possible. If you have questions regarding schedules, policies, rule interpretations please ask.
Leagues may be cancelled due to existing weather conditions, dangerous or unplayable field conditions, facility constraints, etc. Tulsa Sports and Events staff makes every effort to play all scheduled games, thus we will not cancel games until absolutely necessary. Therefore, if you are calling concerning a decision on a cancellation, remember we will not have an answer until close to the start of the league.
If the league is cancelled, Tulsa Sports and Events staff will change the voicemail immediately. Tulsa Sports and Events will then call all of the captains. If a league is cancelled on site, Tulsa Sports and Events staff will attempt to contact those teams still scheduled to play the remainder of the league day/night. Depending on the time of cancellation, some teams will have to be notified on site. If we do cancel, follow next week’s schedule (ex. If April 13 is cancelled teams should follow the April 20 schedule for their next game). The games that are cancelled will be made up at the end of the season if time allows. In extreme circumstances, Tulsa Sports and Events reserves the right to run a shortened season without a refund of schedule matches on days other than our regularly scheduled league day/night.
Each team will receive one shirt for every paid player on the roster.
These policies are designed to make the league run as smoothly and safely as possible, and provide continuity for its participants. Each player in the league is responsible for this information: please advise your team of these rules and thanks for playing.